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1-15 of 15 results
  • curve it up pattern
  • urban winter pattern SKW
  • sew square 10 ruler
  • quick curve ruler mini
  • acrylic ruler, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • chic country quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • chic picnic quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Mod Pineapples quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Country Revival quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Metro Medallion quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Metro rings quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Metro Hoops quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Metro Lattice quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Mod Citrus quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing
  • Urban Pods quilt pattern, QCR, quick curve ruler, sew kind of wonderful, curved piecing